Jean-Pierre Malbec



Fields of expertise

Gaming, Agriculture, Transportation and the Environment


French, English, Italian


Jean-Pierre has a thorough knowledge of the functioning of local and national authorities. He covers in particular the environment, transportation, agriculture and gaming sectors.

After two initial experiences working in public relations at the Paris offices of Cohn & Wolfe and Comfluence, Jean-Pierre has served as an advisor in the office of the Mayor of Saint-Etienne for 4 years. Jean-Pierre coordinated the “France Services Digital Advisor” program of Banque des Territoires, a subsidiary of the Government-owned bank Caisse des Dépôts et Consignation (CDC) which offers consulting and finance solutions in the form of loans and investment in particular to regions. Jean-Pierre has a Master 2 degree in EU constitutional and administrative law from the University of Aix-Marseille and a Master 2 in European and International Business Law from the University of Paris-Dauphine.