Snapshot of the EU Digital Agenda in light of COVID-19

Snapshot of the EU Digital Agenda in light of COVID-19

The European Commission published its Digital Package on February 19th, 2020, setting the framework for action over the next five years in the digital sphere. The COVID-19 outbreak has, however, forced the European institutions to rapidly switch into crisis management mode; political energy has been drawn towards containing the spread of the virus, with marginal reviews so far of its 2020 Work Programme.

At the same time, the Commission is seeking to quell concerns related to a possible slowdown of legislative activity, indicating its intent to move current initiatives forward as planned. While constantly fluid, click on the link below to read a snapshot of the current Commission’s digital agenda, highlighting the main initiatives already postponed or expected to slip over the next days and weeks. These will be reviewed again on April 29th, when the Commission will release an updated programme.

You can also consult our visual guide to the European digital agenda here.

File to downloadDigital look at the EU Digital agenda in light of COVID19 – 21 April 2020.pdf


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