2nd round of French legislative elections
Short analysis on the outcome of the legislative elections with ended tonight, June 19th, one with a historically low voter turnout for a French election (46%) and giving rise to an unprecedented period of uncertainty, with no clear majority emerging at the National Assembly.
1st round of French legislative elections
Yesterday took place the first round of the French legislative elections. The second round will take place next Sunday, June 19th.
Appointment of the new Government
As per the French rules after a presidential election, a (provisional) government has been named on May 22nd. The reelected President took his time to appoint a new Prime Minister and even more time to appoint a new Government compared to the tradition, playing a kind of continuity with his previous presidency.
French Presidential elections final and next steps
Emmanuel Macron was reelected President of the Republic for a second 5-year term this evening, April 24th.
Outcomes – First round of the French Presidential Election
The first round of the presidential election was held yesterday, April 10th. Below are their respective scores. Only the two highest-scoring candidates in the first round will go face-to-face in the second round.
French Data Protection Authority deliberation relating to Monsanto Company
In a deliberation dated 26 July relating to MONSANTO COMPANY, the French data protection authority confirmed – and this is good news – that personal data processing that consists of collecting information for the purpose of identifying influential individuals to whom a company would like to promote its interests can be, subject to certain conditions, carried out on the basis of the legitimate interest pursued by the data controller.
Consumer Protection: EU consumer credit rules are going through overhaul
In June 2021, the European Commission presented a proposal for a revision of Directive 2008/48/EC on credit agreements for consumers (CCD, Consumer Credit Directive), kicking off a reform with significant implications for the financial, e-commerce and fintech sectors in the European Union (EU).
Covid-19: draft law on the management of the health crisis
The draft law on the management of the health crisis was adopted on July 25, 2021. The Constitutional Court will issue its decision on August 5, 2021.
Summary of the Member’s Bill “Digital Footprint”
The bill to reduce the environmental footprint of the digital economy, sponsored by Senator Patrick Chaize (Conservatives), is the direct outcome of the report presented by the Senate’s task force on this issue in June 2020.
Digital Services Act Package: A Right Step towards a Europe fit for the Digital Age?
Twenty years after the adoption of the e-Commerce Directive, the European Commission released its Digital Services Act Package (Package) comprising two proposals for a Regulation, the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA), that will profoundly modify the legal regime for online services.